About Life On The Inside

Thank you so much for subscribing to Life On The Inside. I’m so happy you’re here.

You might know that Life On The Inside started as Building Resilience. Since April of 2023, Building Resilience morphed into a safe place for me to share the trials life has thrown at my older son, who has autism, and by extension, me. The result is that the newsletter has become about our life stuck in the house.

My son is under house arrest and I promised the judge I’d keep an eye on him 24/7. (Anything to keep him from being tossed back in that jail cell.) So, that makes me the warden.

So, here we are, all day every day. My son is permitted to go to work and back again. He’s permitted to see the doctor or dentist or his attorney, but only if I’m with him. That’s it. That’s all he can do.

If we need groceries, I get them. If I need wine (and Lord knows I do), I get it. If he needs his prescription, I pick it up. He. can. do. nothing.

Go ahead, ask me if I’m tired. When I wake up, I’ll reply!

Anyway, I can’t thank you enough for joining me on this journey. If you’d like to get in touch, you can:

  • leave a comment on a post (I love that)

  • find me on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn,

  • or email me at susanmccorkindale@gmail.com.

Life On The Inside is a free newsletter. You are welcome to become a paid subscriber (any money I earn doing this goes toward my son’s court mandated therapy bills), but really, this baby is free.

However… I would love it if you’d share Life On The Inside with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Thank you.

You can expect new posts on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, sometimes less if work has me crazy busy. Thank you for looking for them and for staying in touch.

I appreciate you.



A few sample posts from Life On The Inside

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Autism parent? Same. Or maybe you love someone with autism. Same here, too. My 32-year-old autistic son is under house arrest and I'm the warden. Life On The Inside is a chronicle of our experiences.


Writer, author, editor, TEDx speaker. Forever Jersey Girl.