Mr. R seems to be a bit of a drama queen...

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Don't you know it!

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I see my future in your conversation with Mr. Rugby, and I gotta tell you Susan, it isn't pretty. Of course you already know that as you are living it and I'm just projecting it into my future. Currently, we are on high stress alert because Henry (12) needs a new backpack for day camp, which starts tomorrow.

Me: Can you look at this backpack on Amazon, I think it fits your requirements (exactly like the old one, which was custom made, oy!)

H: (looking at the backpack on my laptop) I don't know, I guess so?

Me: Okay, I'll buy it.

H: Wait, no!! I don't know!!!

Me: I'll get it and if you don't like it I'll return it (fucking pain in the ass to send it back, but whatever)

H: Okay. Wait, no. Oh, I don't know! I hate camp, and I don't want to go!

Me: I'll be in my room for a little while (so I don't "accidentally" say or do something we will both regret later).

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