Life On The Inside is an email newsletter about life with my son who has autism and who has been under house arrest since April 2023. You can sign up here:
Got an email late Saturday afternoon from our attorney. After a year and a half and million continuances, the plea agreement is drafted, agreed to by our attorneys and the prosecutor, and — this is the biggie — it appears that Mr. Lucky will actually get to plea to the judge on Tuesday (Oct. 15th).
I’m praying hard that this comes to pass. Until it does, he can’t move forward with his life, can’t move to Florida (if that’s ultimately where he wants to reside and we can find a place), can’t really do anything or go anywhere. And he has so many places he wants to go.
England. Scotland. Madrid. All fútbol related, of course, but also because prior to his arrest he’d made friends with people in these places. Some he’s met, others he’d really like to meet. I’m not the most intrepid traveler but Mr. Lucky? He’ll get on a plane and go. And, while he’s on that plane, he’ll make ten new friends.
Well, he’ll meet ten people who’ll be nice to him. We forever more have to be careful of who he calls “friends.”
I just pray that Tuesday comes, he gets the chance, finally, to plead, and we can move into Phase 2 of this thing.
What’s Phase 2?
10 years of supervised probation. Permission to reside someplace like Quest Village. Permission to travel (with his probation officer’s ok). Monthly check-ins with the aforementioned probation officer.
10 years of supervised probation. In 18 months or so, our attorneys will revisit it and see if they can get it reduced to 7 years or maybe 5. I have to hope they can. 10 years is a long time. In 10 years, he’ll be 42. I will be, God willing, 72.
Looks like I better start eating my Wheaties.
Thank you for being here on this journey with me and my son. Thank you your prayers, messages, and good thoughts. I’ll be in touch.
Love, Susan
Know that you and Mr. Lucky will be in our prayers on Tuesday. Stay strong!!
Fingers crossed for Mr. Lucky.